Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Why People Hate LIPA, Part II

They didn't shut my power off yesterday; they rolled back into the neighborhood today, two hours earlier than yesterday. They pulled up and blocked my driveway and went around knocking on doors, announcing they were about to shut off the power. I jumped into the shower, got ready for work, went out and asked them to move the truck so I could pull out of the driveway, finished getting ready, went outside again and the driveway was still blocked. I yelled over to the first to ask him again to move the truck. A second guy came along and apparently misunderstood and told me to leave the van on the street (It was in the garage) and added, "we have to do our jobs!" Yes, and I have to GET to mine and you don't have to block my driveway. God. Where is LIPA's customer service?

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