Wednesday, September 5, 2007

The First Day of School

Apparently things went well the first day for Teenager. Had a little trouble getting to each classroom in time but she'll learn. Likes most of her teachers so far, though one class seems intimidating. Didn't care for the cafeteria--like that's a surprise--but enjoys the freedom of being able to go outside at lunchtime and to walk to a nearby store when school is over, a big change from her last school.

She is overbooked for the fall; we'll have to be very organized for the first couple of months.

Oh, boy, just spent 49 minutes standing in line--just in line, not counting shopping time-- at Staples trying to buy supplies for the second day of school. It would be really terrific if schools with active web sites would list supply requirements in advance. We were shopping in Staples over the weekend and could have bought things then.

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