Monday, October 1, 2007

Squirrels 3, Me 0

It was such a beautiful day yesterday. I cleaned up the yard, removing about a half a trash can worth of yard detritus, mostly those annoying acorns. There's still enough acorns to feed an army of critters. Having read something about blood meal keeping squirrels away from buried bulbs, I planted six tulip bulbs, covering them carefully. I went out early this morning and discovered three bulbs on top of the dirt; the other three are gone.


Anonymous said...

Ooops. They're not supposed to do that. I guess your squirrels haven't yet read the gardening book that advises bulb-lovers to use blood-meal because it works. So these squirrels don't have a clue, I guess, that blood-meal works (I've used it too. It really truly does work, trust me on this, you just have to lay it around generously). On the other hand, the squirrels DO eat the tops of our tulips once they bloom. The solution for us squirrel-lovers: We plant extra tulips. Some for them, some for us.

Pam Robinson said...

Hi, anonymous, thanks for coming by. I'm wondering if it really was the scuzzy neighborhood cat, who left a little deposit right next to the spot where the bulbs used to be.